Truffle v5 has arrived!

2018-12-18    Brittany Alexander

We have released the most awaited version of Truffle just in time for the holidays! There are SO many exciting things to mention that will make your Truffle experience a rich one.


Why We're Organizing TruffleCon 2018

2018-07-16    Mike Pumphrey

As you have hopefully heard by now, TruffleCon, Truffle's first-ever user conference, will be on October 5-7, 2018 in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.


Announcing our Fully Featured, Portable Solidity Debugger

2018-02-26    Tim Coulter

Since Truffle's inception, it's been our mission to build outstanding development tools for the Ethereum community. The analogy we always used was one of history: Ethereum development practices are years behind the rest of the industry, and it's our job to build tools that modernize our craft. Well today, Truffle's come one step closer to that goal. We're happy to announce the release of our fully featured, fully portable Solidity debugger and debugging libraries.


Drizzle: Reactive Ethereum Data for Front-ends

2018-02-20    Josh Quintal

Today we're proud to announce the addition of a new product to the Truffle Suite: Drizzle. Drizzle is a collection of front-end libraries that make writing dapp front-ends easier and more predictable.


TestRPC is now Ganache

2017-12-26    Mike Pumphrey

Have you been looking for the TestRPC recently and haven't been able to find it? Don't worry, it's still here! It's just now known as Ganache. Ganache comes in two flavors: a fully-interactive development blockchain with a graphical interface, and the more familiar command-line version.


Our First Ever Truffle Retreat

2017-11-29    Tim Coulter

We recently released Truffle 3.0 in February to much fanfare. As part of that release we separated our codebase into multiple different modules to make integrating with Truffle easier. Those modules now live in the github repository, which hints at our broader mission of providing a comprehensive suite of tools for Ethereum development.


Designing the Ganache Logo

2017-11-21    Josh Quintal

Last week we released Ganache, a personal blockchain for Ethereum development. Many of you commented on the design of the landing page and logo, but just how did the gooey cube come to be? Let's take a trip through the 30+ iterations that led to our newest confection.


One hundred documentation pull requests? Yes please.

2017-10-23    Mike Pumphrey

Greetings! The Truffle team has been growing over the course of the last year. From a single developer, we are now a team of five (soon to be even more), which means that we can spread the work around. As a new full-time member of the team, I've first taken to looking at our existing materials to ensure that everything is up-to-date and working well. For example, our website, a public GitHub repository, had been receiving pull requests (PRs) for the better part of a year, and they had been languishing for want of someone to go through them.


You Can Now Make Your Own Truffle Box

2017-09-26    Josh Quintal

Two months ago we unveiled official integration with Truffle Boxes, example Ethereum applications and/or boilerplates that put complimentary tools and libraries into sweet, easily-downloadable packages. In addition to rolling out some official boxes, released the first community-supported box. Today we're happy to announce anyone can now make their very own Truffle Box!


Learn Ethereum The Fun Way with our Pet Shop Tutorial

2017-07-12    Josh Quintal

Here at Truffle we want to make Ethereum development accessible to developers of all stripes. To that end, today we're releasing a new tutorial called Pet Shop. It covers the entire local development process, start to finish. For added fun, we've tied the whole thing together within the narrative of creating a pet adoption dapp for a local pet shop owner.


Truffle Boxes: Making Life Sweeter

2017-07-06    Tim Coulter

When users begin developing on Ethereum, the first question they ask is, "Where do I start?". In the past, there hasn't been an easy answer: the answer generally consisted of many flavors of "it depends", and usually led to an investigation of what the user was trying to build, a general overview of their development skills, their knowledge of Ethereum, and the libraries and tools they're already most comfortable with. When determining how the Truffle team can help in this process, it quickly became apparent that what our users needed were examples. Many of them. So, being the upstanding community members we are, we set out to create those example, and today, we're happy to show you what we've accomplished.


Removing installation issues, con't: TestRPC

2017-06-13    Tim Coulter

Update: Since this blog post was published, we have released Ganache a personal blockchain and a replacement to the TestRPC. We have left this post unaltered, but we highly recommend checking out our Working with Ganache page.


How we're making installation issues a thing of the past

2017-06-05    Tim Coulter

Update: Since this blog post was published, we have released Ganache a personal blockchain and a replacement to the TestRPC. We have left this post unaltered, but we highly recommend checking out our Working with Ganache page.


Truffle 3.2.0 released 🎉

2017-03-22    Tim Coulter

Hi all. Great news today. Following your feedback from the Truffle 3.0 release, we've just released Truffle 3.2.0! This release includes a number of great new features and bug fixes, but we're most excited about the following. I've bolded the good stuff for ya.


We've moved our github repo!

2017-03-17    Tim Coulter

We recently released Truffle 3.0 in February to much fanfare. As part of that release we separated our codebase into multiple different modules to make integrating with Truffle easier. Those modules now live in the github repository, which hints at our broader mission of providing a comprehensive suite of tools for Ethereum development.