Drizzle State

  accountBalances: {
  contracts: {
    contractName: {
      callerFunctionName: {
        argsHash: {
  transactions: {
    txHash: {
  drizzleStatus: {
  web3: {

An array of account addresses from web3.

An object whose keys are account addresses and values are account balances (in Wei).

A series of contract state objects, indexed by the contract name as declared in its ABI.

initialized (boolean): true once contract is fully instantiated. synced (boolean): false if contract state changes have occurred in a block and Drizzle is re-running its calls.

events (array): An array of event objects. Drizzle will only listen for the events we declared in options.

The contract's state also includes the state of each constant function called on the contract (callerFunctionName). The functions are indexed by name, and contain the outputs indexed by a hash of the arguments passed during the call (argsHash). If no arguments were passed, the hash is 0x0. Drizzle reads from the store for you, so it should be unnecessary to touch this data cache manually.

args (array): Arguments passed to function call. value (mixed): Value returned from function call.

A series of transaction objects, indexed by transaction hash.

confirmations (array): After the initial receipt, further confirmation receipts (up to the 24th). error (object): contains the returned error if any. receipt (object): contains the first transaction receipt received from a transaction's success event.

status (string): true or false depending on transaction status

  • pending when the transaction has broadcasted successfully, but is not yet mined
  • success when a transaction receipt has been received (you may also wish to check for further confirmations)
  • error if any errors occurred after broadcasting

For more in-depth information on the Ethereum transaction lifecycle, check out this great blog post.

In some cases, a transaction may be malformed and not even make it to being broadcasted. To keep track of this, an empty string will be added to this array and replaced with the transaction hash once broascasted. The cacheSend() method will return a stackId, which will allow you to observe this process for your own transaction status indicator UI.

An object containing information about the status of Drizzle.

initialized (boolean): true once:

  • web3 is found or instantiated
  • Account addresses are stored in state
  • All contracts are instantiated

false by default, becomes true once a web3 instance is found and the accounts and contracts are fetched.

status (string): initializing, initialized and failed are possible options. Useful for triggering warnings if web3 fails to instantiate.